The World AIDS Day as celebrated since 1988 is viewed as an opportunity to unite people globally to fight against HIV, to support people living with the virus and commensurate the families of those who have lost love ones to HIV. In 2016, Nigeria accounts for 3.5 million people living with the virus, 180,000 AIDS related death and 250,000 new infection with 24% on antiretroviral treatment.
Dr Patrick Nguku, AFENET Anglophone Regional Coordinator on this glorious and memorable day supported by the AFENET HIV program Advisor, Dr Adebobola Bashorun created awareness and led the AFENET team through the streets of Asokoro educating street hawkers, shop owners, passer-byes and the public on the theme of 2017 WAD; right to health; making it happen, campaigning on the importance of knowing ones HIV status and seeking treatment especially mother to child transmission where Nigeria contribute a third globally. A short prayer session was also held in the premises for those died, infected and affected with the virus.
Through United State Government and The Global Fund, AFENET joined in the fight against HIV and other preventable diseases through health system strengthening (training and operational research) of frontline health care providers, national and state epidemiologists and policy/decision makers in Government. AFENET also implementing various impact projects such as the PMTCT Cascade Evaluation across 12 high burden states in Nigeria, Strengthening of PMTCT Option B+ tracking system, HIV/AIDS Indicator/ impact Surveys in Kaduna and Lagos, and currently supporting the National Population Based HIV/AIDS Impact Assessment in all states and the FCT. Conducted various HIV Data Quality assessments and works with the various Government HIV organizations such as the Federal Ministry of Health and National AIDS Control Agency.
On this day, African Field Epidemiology Network Nigeria stands with Government of Nigeria, Funders, Implementing partners, civil society organizations and the PLHIV in our continued support towards meeting the UNAIDS 90:90:90 target by 2020 and creating an HIV free generation by 2030 and beyond through transparency, accountability and partnership.
Happy World AIDS Day!!!